Technology Acquisition Committee (TAC)

The Technology Acquisition Committee (TAC) reviews and approves technology procurement requests and provides guidance in the selection, development and implementation of hardware, software (including cloud systems), databases and third party IT services that support ECU.

To learn more about ECU’s technology procurement process visit the Technology Purchase service page.

TAC members are senior administrators (or a designee) with planning and policy responsibilities and accountability for major academic and administrative systems such as student, human resources, financial services, research, etc.

Committee Charge

  1. To review and make approval recommendations on proposed technology requests so they adhere to University goals, standards, policies and procedures.
  2. To ensure timely, informed opinions on any technology acquisition action in any area that may significantly affect the University’s academic mission. All technology procurement actions that affect more than one academic unit or that are initiated above the academic college or school department levels are recognized as actions that may significantly affect the University’s academic mission.
  3. To facilitate frequent analyses of technology acquisitions and eliminate duplication of systems across ECU.
  4. To ensure compatibility with existing enterprise information systems, should integration be required.
  5. To ensure the proposed technology is secure and is more likely to stay secure with University oversight.
  6. To ensure approved technology vendors can support implementation and maintenance.
  7. To coordinate resources on campus and communicate with existing technology regulatory groups:
  8. To foster collaboration through shared accountability (governance) for technology purchases, risks and service decisions and performance.

Committee Members

Twelve elected staff members (no more than one of whom may be fixed term). Ex-officio members (with vote):

Doug Stanley, Chair
ITCS - Director of Enterprise Information Systems
Administration & Finance
Phillip Allen
Senior Director of Informatics, School of Dental Medicine
Academic Affairs
Angela Anderson
Associate Vice Chancellor, Chief Academic Success Officer & University Registrar
Academic Affairs
Wendy Creasey
Director of Digital Learning & Emerging Technology Initiatives
Academic Affairs
Mike Hanley
Senior Associate Athletics Director,Student Services
Jason Jones
Instructional Tech Consultant, College of Business
Academic Affairs
John Jones
Director of IT CET, College of Engineering and Technology
Academic Affairs
Robin Mayo
Business Systems Analyst, Systems Coordination, Financial Services
Administration & Finance
Brad Simons
Business Tech Application Specialist, Technology Services
Student Affairs
Tim Smith
Associate Director of Data Compliance
Office of Institutional Integrity
Mary Thompson
Director of Health Information Systems & Services
ECU Health Administration
Josh Wagoner
ITCS - Security Professional
Administration & Finance
Warren White
Purchasing Specialist, Materials Management
Administration & Finance

The committee meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.